Goose Queue

Th first thing i feel i need to let my readers know is what blockchain is all about and how it can transform Global Education positively? Most people are not aware of Blockchain technology and how it works.There is need for massive Global enlightenment on how this Technology functions , its potentials and how it can revolutionize the entire World positively. Education simply means impacting knowledge in Generations from the Collective truth. It simply based on trusting the Authority of Learning institution in the area of research and teaching they are representing Blockchain is simply a distributed ledger technology .

It aids consensus due to its record keeping nature. In addition, the technology is highly transparent , users within the chain can validate and download various individual ledgers..The amazing feature of blockchain is that it cant be altered , its just permanent . Its almost a decade since the release of a whitepaper that defined the Blockchain P2P distributed ledger which metamorphose into the first Global Cryptocurrency which is Bitcoin. Blockchain will be highly effective in Education industry, although there series of industries that has adopted this technology. There are lots of shortcoming in the traditional Global education sectors which Blockchain is set to correct .

In China logistics are still facing some problems and way short compared to the big players in the logistics business. Goose Q as identified these problems and have drafted plans to put them all in check. Some of the challenges are highlighted below;

The Main Challenges

  • Truck drivers suffer high psychological pressure. According to the survey made by China Logistics and Purchasing Federation about 70% of Chinese truck drivers drive more than 10 hours a day and about 95% of all truck drivers are not satisfied with their work conditions. This situation causes great operational risks.
  • High Accident Rate: Trucks are the most accident-prone vehicles and in China lethal rates are nearly 6 times higher than in USA taking into consideration that amount of trucks is nearly equal
  • There is a huge lack of data on the supervision and control of the logistics industry by the government’s management
    departments at all levels, resulting in the government’s lack of fine control over the operation in the logistics industry.
  • Fake Invoices: Fake invoices is a big issue in China multi-billion logistics industry that account for about 10% of the total turnover harming logistics companies and tax department.

Solutions Proffered By GOOSE Q

Goose Q’s product Daluka sim-card is being introduced and distributed among truck drivers in China. The card offers free traffic for a set of business and leisure applications as well as free calls within the network so that truck drivers can always be connected to their friends and families. More than that Goose Q is developing communication application, which is convenient to use while driving.

Automatization and Encryption: Digitalization of logistics industry documentation being conducted by Goose Q substantially increases trustworthiness of business data.

Big Data Infrastructure: Combination of automotive hardware and software with centralized and distributed data storage, hot cache, and blockchain allows Goose Q efficiently collect and store road data.

It will also provide security , partners who join the Goose Q will be certified by real ID to ensure they have the right to submit and view data on the chain. The hardware devices connected to the Goose Q will be verified by the software running environment to ensure the accuracy of the hardware device data.

Benefit of Qoose Queue

  • The price of the token is only 1 USDT = 350 GQ and with the demand of investors it is expected that the price of the token will increase. Then, as an investor, you can certainly benefit from it.
  • Goose Q is taking it further in the crypto space the project has reached agreement with two more Chinese exchanges GJ and Bitgogo.
    — is a trading platform invested by several powerful token funds such as Horman Capital (, Bitrise Capital (
    — -Bitgogo is a new exchange,Top 1 Chinese blockchain media has already published announcement about listing.
  • Goose Q focuses on global logistics that have large and demanding markets. Therefore, it would definitely end up being a great success, so investors can also benefit from it.

Goose Q Blockchain

Goose Q is a DAPP developed for the global logistics industry that utilizes blockchain technology to secure users data and to facilitate information and value flows. The platform is already deeply integrated into existing Chinese logistics IT infrastructure, that includes cargo companies, vehicle carriers, actual transport vehicles, drivers and other platforms, thus Goose Q is able to gather a full range of visual, verifiable, trusted, traceable, anti-fraud data and securely process it with help of DLT.

Jiama Road Messenger

Aimed specifically at truck drivers, these technology will help truck drivers to curb lack of socialization, difficulty to find help when in troubles on a road, and high psychological pressure. With the Jiama road messenger there is no need to press anything on a phone screen to communicate — all the commands can be done via voice control; the messenger automatically locates users nearby so that they can share road situation and help each other if needed.

Jiama Road Messenger Facts

  • Launched in December 2018
  • 100K+ users by May 2019 and aiming to reach 500k by the end of 2019 and 3m by the end of 2020.
  • Designed for truck drivers
  • GQ token implementation by Septemeber 2019
  • Free traffic with Daluka sim-card

Token Details

Token Name: GQ (Goose Q)

Total supply: 10b

Token ticker: GQ

Ciculating supply: ~1%

Blockchain: ERC-20

IEO price (past): 1 USDT = 350 GQ

30% Mining, automatically released by smart contract according to DPOS
algorithm, halved every five years.
15% Ecosystem cooperation, airdrop and other services.
25% Foundation’s daily operations.
20% Sale.
10% Team. Locked for five years, releases 2% each year.

GQ token is being traded on and other 4 smaller Chinese exchanges.

The Amazing Team

Goose Q Team members is one of the strongest advantage of this peculiar project. The team are well notched with varying qualifying degrees which comprises of data scientist, mobile ops , engineers and blockchain developers working smart for this wonderful project. Investors need not worry, the project is in capable hands of well qualified professionals and expertise in internet products for the logistics industry combined with deep understanding of blockchain projects development and operation allows us to be the top notch in the space.

Final Thought

From the marketing standpoint Goose Q capabilities are limitless. With the emergence of comprehensive token economy to ensure sustainable and healthy development of the ecosystem. The system is going to benefit every contributor ranging from ,corporate users , individual users and Goose Q partners . I like this project a lot and I believe it is very promising and will yield greater dividends for investors.


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Author: LadyCrypro

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